Saturday, February 23, 2013

LISA KIRCHNER UMBRELLAS IN MINT- In this her sixth album, jazz stylist Lisa Kirchner pushes the boundaries of her inestimable talents as a singer and arranger and goes for creating an entire album based on a storyline. She has written both the music and the lyrics for this highly imaginative exploration into poetry and stage plays and invites us on a journey called UMBRELLAS IN MINT - a story like no other and one that likely other singers will add to their repertoire, if not in toto then at least in excerpts - that is how strong this music is….Kirchner is such a brilliant stylist that she is able to take us on a surreal flight of fancy about love and life in Manhattan. She sings lead (and background) vocals, and is accompanied by (or enhanced by, so fine are these musicians) the following: Xavier Davis, piano, Sherman Irby, saxophone, Ron Jackson, guitar, Bill Schimmel, accordion, Vicente Archer, bass, and Willi Jones III, drums….This is excellent music, each song different enough to maintain forward momentum, but each is equally fine. A very successful outing
Grady Harp/

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